Why spend your life trying to save to improve your home when you can have everything you ever wanted today. United Glass and Aluminium have introduced a finance plan to allow you option of improving the image of your home without the large financial outlay and delays. Finance plans are easily afforable and with our range of tailored packages to suit most people, you too will easily be able to afford to improve your home today.

How it Works
Finance plans are fixed payments over an agreed period, with a per-determined residual at the end of the term.
Why Lease?
Free up as much money as possible, so you can enjoy the benefits of improving your home now while still having your money at call. Rather than spending years saving, you can enjoy the benifits of our products now, giving you plenty of time to pay it off with small monthly installments
Finance plans allow investors to improve their investment properties today, giving an immediate increase in rental returns while spreading payments over a longer duration and still receiving a tax deductlable benefits over the short term. With our huge range of designer products for your home and our fast and easy finance approval system, you can have almost any product installed in your home in no time at all.
Check with your financial advisor or accountant for a detailed financial analyis